Auto servicing for mums

What Are the Warning Signs of Impending Engine Failure?

Each component of your car has significance, but the engine is without a doubt the most important component of the vehicle. The engine burns an air-fuel mixture to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into the mechanical energy required to move the vehicle. 

While performing routine car servicing helps to keep your engine healthy and running at peak efficiency, engine trouble can arise at any time. If the signs of engine problems are overlooked, you will get to a point of engine failure, which may result in a huge engine repair bill or a complete engine replacement. Before this can happen, you will have seen the signs that engine failure is imminent. 

Watch out for the following signs to know it's time to get your engine inspected and repaired.

Check engine light comes on

If you drive a newer car model, the vehicle probably has an engine control unit (ECU) that keeps track of the vehicle's engine performance. If the engine has any issues, the ECU will communicate to you via the warning lights on your car's dashboard. 

If the check engine light stays illuminated while driving, this is an indication that something's wrong with your engine. Scanning the ECU for trouble codes can help detect the cause of the problem.

Declining fuel economy

Is your vehicle thirstier than normal? If you're experiencing a decrease in fuel efficiency, you may have a bad oxygen sensor, a clogged fuel filter, faulty fuel injectors, bad spark plugs and many other issues.

It's best to let a car mechanic have a look at the problem to help keep your car operating costs down.

Excessive exhaust smoke

If you notice too much smoke coming out of your car's exhaust system, this could be a symptom of a malfunctioning engine. The colour of the smoke can reveal that exact engine problem you're facing. For example, black smoke indicates that your engine is using too much fuel while white smoke is a sign of a coolant leak.

Reduction in acceleration

Does your engine rev, but your car won't accelerate correctly when you press on the accelerator? While a faulty transmission could be to blame for this problem, engine issues such as a bad timing belt, clogged air filter and bad oxygen sensor can also cause it.

Paying attention to these signs of engine trouble and taking corrective action is crucial for maximising the performance and life of your car. Take your car to a car mechanic close to you if you observe any signs of trouble with your vehicle's engine.
