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Top Tips for Replacing a Car Battery

Maintaining a battery is essential to the optimal performance of various car components. However, car batteries do not last forever; therefore, you have to replace your cell when it stops functioning efficiently. Although replacing a car battery seems like a straightforward task, it is not always the case with modern cars. To avoid unexpected electrical problems, you need to understand a few hacks in car battery replacement. Here are tips to consider when replacing a car battery.

Keep a Car's Keep-Alive-Memory (KAM) On -- Disconnecting the battery in a modern car turns off the KAM in the vehicle. Unfortunately, it wipes out operator preference data, resulting in issues such as erratic power windows, poor idling, or a jerky ignition system. In such cases, high-end cars with complex computer systems require numerous module resets, which take hours and costs money. Therefore, the most practical way to avoid such issues during car battery replacement is to ensure your vehicle's computer KAM stays on. You can do it by inserting an onboard diagnostic (OBD) tool into the OBD port in your car and connecting it to a portable jumper pack. It ensures a car's KAM remains on when you disconnect and replace the battery; hence, you don't have to worry about losing essential data.

Reverse Procedure When Reconnecting Cables -- When removing an old battery from a car, you must remove the negative cable first, followed by the positive. Most car owners are unaware of the procedure or its importance. Notably, even an old battery can still provide some electrical energy; therefore, disconnecting the positive cable first increases the chance of sparks that could burn you. However, since the negative cable doubles up as the ground, you can easily disconnect it without worrying about sparking. The reverse is advisable when reconnecting cables to a new battery. You should reconnect the positive cable first, followed by the negative terminal, to avoid dangerous sparks.

Restore a Battery Holder -- Once you have replaced your old battery with a new one and you turn on the engine, it is easy to get excited at your accomplishment and forget all about the battery holder. Notably, car battery holders are designed to secure the device in place so that it does not move wildly while driving. The reason is that a poorly connected battery increases the risk of terminal disconnection or damage to delicate components close to the cell. Therefore, always remember to restore a battery holder once a new cell is in place. Give the new battery a nudge to ensure it is adequately secured in its tray. Look into car batteries replacement near you.
